TMJ Pain or Sore Jaws

Dr Singh has extensive training in treating problems associated with the jaw joint and bite, or what we call ‘Temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) disorders’. See how Ann and other patient have reduced their pain and discomfort below.

When muscles and joints do not work properly, the muscles will often tire. The tiredness can become part of a cycle that results in tissue damage, pain, muscle tenderness and spasm.  Find out how Ann stopped her tmj pain.

eternal smiles dental centre

Dr Singh has extensive training in treating problems associated with the jaw joint and bite, or what we call ‘Temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) disorders’. These come in many forms and the symptoms can include:

  • Painful clicking, popping or grating in the jaw joint when opening or closing the mouth.
  • Pain in the chewing muscles or jaw joint, especially first thing in the morning or in the evening after a stressful day.
  • Soreness in the jaw.
  • Difficulty opening or closing the mouth or locking of the jaw.
  • Jaw muscle stiffness.
  • Headaches or radiating pain in the face, shoulders and neck.
  • Ringing in the ears.
  • A change in the way the upper and lower teeth fit together.
  • Can be mistaken for chronic toothache.

Are You Ready To Stop The Pain and Enjoy Life?

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Although accidents involving injuries to the jaw, head, or neck, or diseases such as arthritis may result in some bite problems, Using detailed bite evaluation we can diagnose any discrepancies with your bite. We also use it to get the accuracy of newly fitted restorations 100% correct to make your restorations last longer.

What causes it?

These problems have many contributing factors such as stress causing clenching or grinding of teeth.

Trauma at a young age to the jaw plays a role in some TMJ disorders.

Bad bite can trigger TMJ disorders.

Because the condition is more common in women than in men, scientists are now exploring a possible link between female hormones and TMJ disorders.

How is it treated?

Our dentist is fully trained to diagnose these problems and treat them. He uses ‘TMJ therapy’ and bite adjustment with a specialised guard. The therapy involves wearing a Hard Night guard – stabilisation splint.

This is carefully fabricated and adjusted to relax the chewing muscles and place the jaw joint in a comfortable position to allow it to heal properly.

Once the pain has been resolved over a period of 2-6 months, certain restorative treatment may be required to correct the bite.

In summary, careful planning and analysis will allow the treatment to be designed around your individual needs.

The facial muscles and jaw joints are all part of a system that is controlled by the brain. Because Dr. Singh has a detailed understanding of this system, he can detect specific reasons that cause harmful bite patterns and head and neck pain.

When muscles and joints do not work properly, the muscles will often tire. The tiredness can become part of a cycle that results in tissue damage, pain, muscle tenderness and spasm.

Although accidents involving injuries to the jaw, head, or neck, or diseases such as arthritis may result in some bite problems, Using detailed bite evaluation we can diagnose any discrepancies with your bite. We also use it to get the accuracy of newly fitted restorations 100% correct to make your restorations last longer.

Are You Ready To Stop The Pain and Enjoy Life?

To Get In Touch Today Call Our Office Right Now Or Click The Link To Schedule Your Consultation.


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